Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Is it possible to be in love with two people at the same time?

In human relationship almost anything is "possible"

In principle, yes, someone can be in LOVE with two people at the time. But in our observation it is very difficult to love two people with equal intensity over a period of time. Briefly: yes. Long-range: doubtful. such is the conclusion forced upon us by our experience to be in love with two people.

Usually it is a married person having an extramarital affair who will query us on this. There is no doubt but that for a while the individual feels him or herself to be enamored of both the spouse and the lover. Passion does not continue, however, to flow equally in both directions. Sooner or later one relationship almost always yields to the other; one is "comfortable"; the other is "intense."

Sometimes neither is all that intense, and the individual is half  in love with two persons, not fully in the love with either. This is among the most common patterns we have seen. Each relationship helps the individual tolerate the deficiencies in the other.

The circumstances of life often force us to choose, even if we are genuinely in love with two people. Love requires time, energy, attention, commitment. Our resources are not unlimited. We con only spread  ourselves so thin. Whatever our initial feeling, these other demands speak against our sustaining an intense relationship with two people.

But, to say it ones more, we hesitate to declare anything of this kind impossible, when no doubt there are people presently involved in three-way relationship that seem to be working everyone's satisfaction..... 

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