Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Taste of Victory

Have you ever been in a crowd of over six thousand people, all celebrating the same moment of glory? Have you ever ran up to a stranger and hugged him tight? Have you ever stopped passing by cars and asked the people inside to come out and dance with you? Have you ever started to cry just because you're moved by the magnificent amount of pure happiness and joy all around yourself?   
Well, I'm just back home after experiencing all this, and much more! I'm exhausted and tired, I've shouted too much for the discomfort of my throat, and I can't even speak a word right now. But I feel so overwhelmed, I can barely stop smiling while I type this article.
So India won the world cup after 28 long years. What a day! We've all been waiting for this moment since the last time our boys brought the cup home way back in 1983. Congratulations to my fellow countrymen! It's a moment of glory immeasurable, for all of us, and i'd like to thank Dhoni's pack of wolves, for it's them who've made us witness this great, great day. We're proud of you, boys! You ARE the best international Cricket team in the world.
I was sitting with a bunch of close friends with our eyes fixed on the TV and our fists closed tight, when captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni hit that gigantic sixer in the 49th over and won the 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup for us. A historic finish for a historic victory! Gambhir started it with style, Dhoni ended it the same way. We, just like every other Indian, were ecstatic beyond limit. Have you ever felt so happy that you almost felt like dying? Of course you have. Well, we all did, today. I can't describe the emotional state I was in when the rest of the team picked up Sachin on their shoulders, and ran all over the Wankhede stadium, with smiles on their faces, with national flag in hands. They all did this for him! What a man! What a moment! I completely agreed with Virat Kohli when he said, "Sachin has carried the burden of the nation for 21 years. It was time we carried him.". These are the most honest and true words I've heard quite in a while. He's a great man, a hero, the greatest cricketer who has ever lived, and the most humble guy I, and we all have known. And he deserves every inch of respect and admiration he's got. Sachin, we love you, we're blessed to have you, and we wish you all the best for a long and even more glorious life to come.     

Some tears were shed on the field too. But i think it's okay. St. Mother Teresa once said, "More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones.". I was moved when Yuvraj and Harbhajan couldn't contain that ocean of happiness inside them, and let some of it out through their eyes. I wish I could give them a long, warm hug. We all do. There's no feeling in the world more beautiful than the realization of a life long dream. Tears of joy are deliciously sweet, indeed.     

So, on behalf of 1.21 billion hearts that bleed blue, I'd like to take this moment to let Team India know, that you've made us proud. You haven't only won the World Cup. What you've done tonight is way too far bigger than that.      

With every big achievement, comes a big celebration. The crowd at Atta (Noida) was huge! Thousands of people at the same place, celebrating the same moment of pride and glory. Hundreds of Indian flags raised up in the sky, people dancing on car roofs, people dancing on the roads, shouting on top of their voices, hugging each other, congratulating each other, sharing hi-5's and Horns ups! What could be a more beautiful way to share this historic moment than this?   

No Hindus, no muslims, no rich, no poor. Just Indians! Laughing, dancing, hugging, shouting together. Without even knowing who the guy they're dancing with is, withought even knowing who's the guy who just came up to them and gave them a warm smile and then hugged them like we hug a long lost brother. I too hugged countless number of people, smiled at almost everyone of them, danced with people who I had never known, and most likely never will. But I realized that I loved each and every person present around me. They were all my own. I knew no emotions except love and compassion, and I'm sure each and every one of us has felt the same tonight.   

Look what you've done Team India. You've united us! You've made us realize what we're made of. You've re-introduced us to the love we've always had for each other in our hearts. And above all, you've given us a reason to stop and think, "Why aren't we like this everyday? Why do we fight? In the name of god, region, caste and other countless things, why? Why do we fight when we love each other so much? Is that what we're meant to do? Is there anything at all which can be placed above humanity?". You've given us an opportunity to look in our hearts and find the answers ourselves. Guess what, we've found them. Thanks to you, We will never forget this.  

I, just like every other person present at Atta tonight, was dancing with my clothes drenched in sweat, no air in my lungs, my body tired, and passion in my heart. Suddenly a girl, around 8-10 years of age came up to me with a rose in her hand. She wanted me to buy it. I took out a 20 rupees note from my pocket,  took the rose from her tiny hands as I handed her the note. She smiled at me, I smiled back. And then she said what seemed like the most overwhelming thing one could ever say, "Jai Hind bhaiya!". I looked at her innocent face and my eyes filled with tears of pride. It's such a great nation!    

Emotional beyond limit, I picked her up and wiped a tear off my cheek as I resumed dancing. Well, just like The great Sachin Tendulkar said, "These are happy tears, so I don't really mind crying.".      
Jai Hind.        
Date : 03 - 04 - 2011 Time : 5:45 am

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